Articles on: Before Delivery

How do I cancel my order?

Visit your Orders page.
Click on the menu icon on the right side of the order.
Order menu
Select Cancel Order.
Select cancel orderTo cancel your order:

You have two refund options:

Gift Code Refund: Receive a gift code for 100% of your order value, redeemable on your next purchase.
Direct Refund to Card: A refund will be issued to your card, minus a 5% processing fee.

Cancel order options
Please note that refunds to your card may take up to 10 business days, depending on your bank.

Important Information:

Non-Refundable Delivered Orders: Once items have been delivered, orders are non-refundable.

Returning Delivered Items: If your travel plans change, you can return delivered items early. Simply:

Go to your Orders page.

Process a Return and select a pick-up date.

If you have further questions, feel free to contact our support team.**

Non-Refundable Delivered Orders: Once items have been delivered, orders are non-refundable.
Returning Delivered Items: If your travel plans change, you can return delivered items early. Simply:

Go to your Orders page.
Order page

Process a Return and select a pick-up date.
Return order page

If you have further questions, feel free to contact our support team.

Updated on: 22/12/2024

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